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1. Agrupamento de Escolas Miguel Torga in Bragança
2. Gimnazjum im. Anny Wazówny in Golub-Dobrzyń
3. Základní škola a mateřská škola Hranice in Šromotovo 
    (Czech Republic)
4. ICS 4° Ovest di Sassuolo - Plesso Secondaria di I Grado
    "G. Cavedoni" in Sassuolo (Italy)
5. Collège Saint-Joseph Caudan, Caudan (France)
6. IES de Beade, Vigo (Spain)


2. Anna Vasa School Complex no 1 includes a lower (gimnazjum) and higher (liceum) secondary school and a vocational college. It was named after the Swedish princess in 2003. At the moment it houses about 190 students at the gimnazjum and about 280 students at the liceum.
Our students gain knowledge and skills in classrooms with modern equipment, such as multimedia overhead projectors, interactive whiteboards, and video and stereo equipment. They have the chance to develop their interests in all kinds of subject clubs. Both schools organize meetings with interesting people, co-operation with university science clubs, workshops, domestic and foreign excursions, and enable the students to take part in international projects, such as eTwinning, Comenius, and AIESEC.
The teenagers realize their passions in the school choir ‘Cantus’, in the ancient music band ‘Capella Antiqua’, at painting workshops, and numerous subject clubs devoted to the media, the theatre, recitation, photography, the European Union, playing chess or discussing films.
Both students of the gimnazjum and of the liceum actively participate in the student governments.

Cavedoni school
Cavedoni school is part of a comprehensive institute which also includes two primary schools and three nursery schools.
Cavedoni school houses about 250 students between 11 and 14.
We use both modern and traditional equipment and are particularly engaged in working with foreign students of a lot of different nationalities who arrive at our school during the year.
We have taken part in the “Comenius” project for three years and last year we started our e-twinning project.

The Instituto de Ensinanza Secundaria (IES) de Beade includes a lower secondary section (with pupils from 12 to 16 years old) and the upper secondary (from 16 to 18) courses leading to the University. The total number of students is around 400 and we are 40 teachers. Our class schedule ranges from 8:20am to 14:00pm every day, plus Tuesday afternoons from 16:30 to 18:10pm. So our students usually have lunch at home and practice sports or any other hobbies outside the school campus. Although Vigo is a relatively large city (300.000 people) the school is located on a rural area 4km far from the city center. So most of the pupils live in houses with a small garden, and maybe an orchard or even a couple of domestic animals.

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